How to Apply

The EAS department is a highly interdisciplinary and graduate students have the ability to take a wide variety of courses both within and outside the EAS department for credit towards their degree. The selection of courses taken is often guided by an interest in one of several general topics, or “tracks,” offered by the department.


Masters students

Eligibility: Entering students are expected to have completed one year of study in college level Calculus, Physics, and Chemistry. Applicants lacking this background may still qualify depending on their experience and academic background, but may be required to take additional courses in these fields. The GRE is not required. Minimum TOEFL/IELTS Scores for foreign students are: 500 (PBT), 61 (IBT) of 6.

Applications: Applications may be submitted at any point for admittance beginning in either the fall or spring terms. Suggested admission dates are posted here.

Applications include a personal statement, official transcripts, at least two letters of recommendation and a CV.

The application admission process begins here.

Please contact directly the research advisors of labs that interest you to explore opportunities to make a better application package. For general questions about the EAS graduate program, please contact the graduate advisor (Prof. Kidder) for further information.

PhD students

The CCNY PhD program is administered through the CUNY Grad Center through the Earth and Environmental Sciences Doctoral Program. PhD fellowships are competitive and provide 5 years of support. Interested students should contact potential advisor(s) in the EAS department to discuss this possibility further. Note: PhD applications are due much earlier than those for the Masters program (often mid-December). check the Grad Center website for details.