EAS field trip to the Hudson Valley

EAS field trip to the Hudson Valley

This spring the Earth and Atmospheric Science department was excited to resume a long-standing tradition of field trips to the Catskill region. The structural geology class (EAS 227) spent three days mapping the geology near Leeds, NY. City College has been taking...

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Seminar Series

The Earth & Environmental Science Seminar Series primarily provides  students with the knowledge and overview of how science effects our environment. The seminar series focuses on interactions between the solid Earth, its water, air and living organisms. The seminar lectures cover all aspects of Earth and planetary science. It encompasses Earth processes, Earth system history, climate and climate change, freshwater systems, and ecology.Our Earth and Environmental Science seminar lecture are very informative and resourceful sessions that enlightens our students about so many various aspects of our environment.The host for the Earth and Environmental Science seminar is Prof. Maria Tzortziou. For our seminars, guest speakers facilitate PowerPoint presentation and lectures on different earth and environmental science topics, which is then followed up by questions and a discussion period. These weekly seminar events is a great opportunity to network and meet new people.

Who Can Attend: Everyone can attend our seminar lectures including students, faculty and staff, post-docs, our collaborators across the Division of Science, and CCNY and CUNY students.

Time and Place: Seminar lectures are facilitated every Friday from 12:45-1:45pm. Generally, each seminar lecture lasts up to an hour. The seminar lectures will be held via zoom.

Additional Information: For any additional information on upcoming seminars for the Fall 2021 semester, please visit our lectures sections at https://www.ccny.cuny.edu/eas/eas-seminar-series-events . For any earth and environmental science seminar inquiries, please contact Professor, Steve Kidder at ext. 8431 or Office Assistant, Eric Williams at ext. 6452.


Professor Steve Kidder  

The City College of New York

160 Convent Avenue

New York, NY 10031


E | skidder@ccny.cuny.edu

P | 212-650-8431

F | 212-650-6482

Eric Williams, EAS Office Assistant

The City College of New York

160 Convent Avenue

New York, New York 10031


E: ewilliams@ccny.cuny.edu

P: 212-650-6452

F: 212-650-6482



To view the EAS Spring 2021 Seminar Schedule, please click here: EAS_Spring2021_Seminar_Schedule