Student Opportunites at EAS

The EAS department is a highly interdisciplinary and graduate students have the ability to take a wide variety of courses both within and outside the EAS department for credit towards their degree. The selection of courses taken is often guided by an interest in one of several general topics, or “tracks,” offered by the department.

Earth & Atmospheric Sciences is an inherently interdisciplinary research field that brings together not only a wide breadth of natural sciences and methodological approaches but also integrates the human dimension, health, behavioral, and social sciences. EAS offers a number of opportunities to qualified graduate students to participate in innovative, multi-disciplinary, multi-institutional, international research activities that have both environmental and socio-economic importance.


Many graduate students in our Department are supported by graduate research assistantships and teaching assistantships. Research assistantships cover a living stipend, the full cost of tuition, health insurance, and travel support for participation in training workshops and international conferences. For more information on specific opportunities, contact the faculty members you would be interested in doing research with. PhD students receive five-year research fellowships through the CUNY Graduate Center. See the links below for information on additional funding opportunities:

  • Pathways to Science provides links and information on many fellowship opportunities and funding ideas. A number of regional and national programs relevant to Earth and Atmospheric Sciences provide additional funding opportunities to outstanding graduate students pursuing research-based master’s and doctoral degrees. Many of these programs especially encourage women and members of underrepresented minority groups to apply.
  • NASA Graduate Fellowship Program
  • NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program
  • Smithsonian Graduate Fellowship Program 
  • NOAA CREST/CESSRST Graduate Scholarship Program. NOAA CESSRST is a research center located in the Engineering department of CCNY. It is a collaborative effort that spans CUNY and is funded through a cooperative agreement with NOAA. The research at NOAA CESSRST focuses on weather and climate research using satellite data. NOAA CESSRST provides graduate fellowships to students whose research overlaps with the goals of NOAA and are U.S. citizens. Students interested in this program should contact EAS Masters advisors James Booth or Maria Tzortiou for more information.
  • CCNY Earth Science and Environmental Sustainability Graduate Initiative (ESES). The ESES program at CCNY has a strong overlap with EAS and NOAA Crest. ESES is not a Master’s program, but a bridge program that brings CCNY students who work on environmental science research together. It is possible for a student to be advised by an EAS faculty while being in the ESES program and funded by NOAA Crest.


Our students have many opportunities to gain hands on research experience and enrich their specialized training through participation in various internship programs. Opportunities are available both during the summer term and during the academic semesters. Read a few of our students stories, learn about their discoveries, and find out how you can participate in these internship programs.

Some internship programs:

Learn about environmental site assessment courses, training, and professional development and internship opportunities offered through the City College of New York by reading “The Assessor” publication: volume 2 and volume 3. You can find more opportunities by contacting EAS Faculty directly.


First and foremost, the Earth and Atmospheric Science Dept would like to congratulate all of our EAS student who will be graduating in May 2020. As we approach a very exciting moment for those who are about to graduate, we would like to encourage students to begin applying for upcoming graduation. Below is a link in which graduate student can begin applying for graduation:

Grad Student Stories

Brian Lamb

When the crops subside, satellites help contrive (USGS)

read more

Laura Logozzo

Tracing carbon export from coastal wetlands (Smithsonian Institution)

read more

Alana Menendeza

Capturing C air-sea fluxes in the Chesapeake (Penn State)

under development


There are many career paths available to students with higher degrees in Earth and Atmospheric Sciences. Our students have pursued careers in the Environmental Industry, Academia, Business, Education, Army Corp of Engineers, the Geological Survey (USGS), and Consulting. Many of our students make career connections through internships and courses such as Environmental Site Assessment that involve interactions with working professionals outside of CUNY. The following resources also provide a starting point for finding jobs in the Earth Sciences.


Beyond CUNY: